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The latest update of Twitter for Android app is crashing for most users.

Most of the apps that we use daily on our mobile devices are also oftentimes dependent on their updation to…

The dark theme feature from Google could be available in future for Android releases.

Last year in August, Google had introduced a system-wide dark mode for Android 10. The much talked about dark mode…

India’s next lunar missions Chandrayaan – 3 & Gaganyaan are on their way.

Last year the world saw how India was ahead with the launch of its lunar exploration mission which was successfully…

Patent reveals a new virtual acoustic system can be brought by Apple to MacBooks.

Apple, as a famous tech giant leaves no stone unturned when it comes to upgrading its technologies or bringing in…

After Twitter, Spotify pauses political ads on its streaming platform.

Spotify Technology SA is another tech giant following Twitter & Google in pausing ads on its streaming platform. In December…

A security researcher could match 17 million phone numbers with users by exploiting a Twitter bug in the app.

It seems 2019 was a year of data breach cases for Twitter because even while ending the year, yet another…

Signing up for Messenger without a Facebook account will no longer be possible.

Up until now, there have been many users who used the messenger app without a Facebook account. However, the same…

The new features of Google Chrome that we can look forward to in 2020.

Though the famous web browser had to face some criticism in 2019 where an experimental update had broken it down…

As data tariffs increase in India, OTT media services slash down prices.

Over the top (OTT) media services have proved to be the best medium for entertainment, news, sports, etc. since the…

The tech talent crunch likely to climb the ladder in 2020 by 200,000.

With already an economic slowdown that our country is facing, the recruitment experts are of the view that in 2020…