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19 people from India traveling abroad test COVID-19 positive

We all are living in the coronavirus pandemic’s unlikely times that were never seen before. Since March 2020, we have been locked down in our homes, unable to go to schools and colleges, working from home to meet the daily needs, and taking care of our elderly parents in making sure that they don’t venture […]

Number of cases in the USA reaches 1.1 Million – The Trump Government looks at fast tracking COVID-19 Vaccines through “ Operation Warp Speed ’’

The spate of coronavirus cases continues to increase with no respite and has touched the 1.1 Million mark, killing nearly 65,000 people in the US. The Trump administration is contemplating and evaluating 14 COVID – 19 vaccines as a preventive measure for this dreaded disease. Recently President Donald Trump had made a suggestion of “ […]

Cancer patients need to change their routine lifestyle to prevent Coronavirus.

Coronavirus affects the respiratory system of the human body, and then people start suffering from cough, cold, and various other problems. Thus, the government has concluded the lockdown all over the nation to prevent every person from Coronavirus. However, experts believe that cancer patients have a higher risk of having Coronavirus problems. Because the organs […]