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If you are a senior citizen or are taking care of them these are a few Do’s and Dont’s to follow amid the current coronavirus pandemic

Ever since the outbreak of this pandemic we have heard that the senior citizen age group is the most vulnerable and likely to get infected with this virus. Therefore they need to look after themselves well as well as those who are in close proximity of them either by staying with them or close to them must also be aware of what precautions are to be taken. In short what are the do’s and the don’ts  as far as the elderly population is concerned.

The government has issued certain guidelines which must be strictly followed by one and all. It is quite likely that they already suffer from secondary diseases like diabetes and hypertension; therefore they must exercise great control in ensuring that no complications arise from those diseases. They must understand that staying at home is the most important precaution.

If you are a senior citizen or are taking care of them these are a few Do’s and Dont’s to follow amid the current coronavirus pandemic

The number of Coronavirus affected cases is on the rise with each passing and the precaution of social distancing is very important t control further spread though person to person transmission.

It is a known fact that this virus attacks people with compromised or low immunity. Those who, irrespective of the age group have auto immune deficiencies are likely to fall prey to this virus. Senior citizens already have a low immunity, owing to their age or pre -existing ailments or a combination of both hence they are in the most vulnerable bracket. The senior citizen age group has a high mortality rate.

So what then are the precautions they have to take? 

They shouldn’t meet people and visitors. 

They need to include immunity boosting food in their meals.

They should stay hydrated at all times, by drinking a lot of water and liquids regularly.

They must avoid self -medication, but take their prescribed medicines if any very regularly.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has also suggested the following health measures bracketed under the do’s and don’ts which are as follows:

In the do’s and don’ts it is advised that they stay at home, practice social distancing an keep the 1 meter distance in mind while interacting with people.

It is advised that they wash their hands and face with soap and water at regular intervals.

 The importance of drinking a lot of fluids and remaining well hydrated has also been emphasised by them.

It is advised that they sneeze and cough into their elbow and also keep tissues handy. After the tissue is used it must be discarded immediately in a covered dust bin.

Proper nutrition including home cooked fresh and hot meals is important they say. Fresh juices will help in boosting their immunity.

Meditation and exercise have also been recommended to alleviate stress and increase their immunity.

They have been told to take the help of friends, neighbours and family in shopping for provisions and not going out themselves.

Any surgery or hospital visits unless it’s an absolute emergency must be postponed since the chances of getting infected through moving outdoors and hospital visits are high.

They have also advised that frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned with disinfectants on a regular basis.

Personal health monitoring is recommended to stay in good health and have a good immunity to protect themselves against the deadly coronavirus.

They have been advised to avoid going to crowded places like temples and markets.

In fact the most important precaution for them which everybody is mentioning is to just stay indoors and not venture out at all!

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