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Everything you need to know about Coronavirus

Everything you need to know about corona Virus

CoronaVirus is a respiratory disease which is quite similar to common viruses such as Flu and colds.

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

Corona Virus starts off with fever followed by dry cough. After a span of a week, it can cause breath shortness and there can be some patients that might need to be admitted in office as well.

Everything you need to know about corona Virus
Everything you need to know about corona Virus

If you have these symptoms, then it doesn’t guarantee that you are having corona Virus.

In some of the cases, you will also witness that coronavirus causing acute respiratory syndrome, pneumonia, death as well as failure of organ.

People who are having pre-existing medical condition such as diabetes, asthma and heart disease have more chances of catching up the disease. The same goes in the case of people who are old.

You should also keep in mind that the incubation period between infection and perhaps showing any symptoms is about 14 days but in some cases it can even take up to 24 days.

How to protect yourself from corona virus?

In order to protect yourself from corona virus, you have to take proper measure that has been mentioned down below:-

  • You need to wash your hand regularly with sanitizer or hand wash.
  • Keep disposable tissues just in case you sneeze or cough.
  • Once you have used the tissue, then throw it away. Further, wash the hand with a sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, eyes and noses if your hand is not washed.
  • Stay at least 1 metre away from people if you are not well.

How deadly is corona virus?

It is known that a ratio of 4 out of 5 people who are in contact with coronavirus experience mild symptoms.

As per the data analysis of 56,000 patients, it is known that 80 % of them develop mild symptoms and on the other hand 14% of them develop severe symptoms.

Lastly, about 6 % of them become ill critically. So, the proportion of people who die from corona virus is quite low i.e. 1 % to 2 %.

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