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Anti-inflammatory diet & its various advantages for a good heart health.

Anti-inflammatory diet & its various advantages for a good heart health.

There are so many of us who directly depend only & only on different diets to lose weight & do not like resorting to any physical activities or exercises for achieving the desired body we want. However, some diets are beneficial to the body, while others can even prove to be harmful in many ways depending on an individual & how their body reacts to a specific diet.

Talking on the same, there are also special diets that improve heart health & not just the body, one of which is called an anti-inflammatory diet.

Anti-inflammatory diet & its various advantages for a good heart health.
Anti-inflammatory diet & its various advantages for a good heart health.

According to a recent study, it was found out how harmful inflammation can be to a body & how it can lead to dangerous diseases like Alzheimer’s & Cancer, Heart diseases, Asthma, etc.

Inflammation is also said to be good to a body to a certain extent where it is a process by which the body uses the white blood cells & its substances for protecting us from infections with foreign organisms like viruses, bacteria, etc. But, the same inflammation when becomes chronic can lead to harmful health hazards.

In order to fight chronic inflammation, there is a special diet which can slow down inflammation & also reduce the risks attached to it.

Below are certain foods which one can choose as an anti-inflammatory diet:

  • Vitamin C rich fruits – vitamin C fruits like oranges, kiwis, etc. help in reducing specific substances leading to inflammation like high-sensitivity C-reactive proteins and interleukin 6. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts & peppers can also be useful in reducing inflammation.
  • Tomatoes – cardiovascular diseases can be prevented with tomatoes as it is considered to have lycopene which is a beneficial anti-inflammatory.
  • Omega 3 fatty acid- fatty fish like salmon, mackerel & sardines, contain high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids which have properties of anti-inflammation.
  • Berries – all the berries including strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc. are said to contain anti-inflammatory properties that lower heart diseases as well as risks of cancer.
  • Extra virgin olive oil – it consists of an anti-inflammatory compound called oleocanthal which is similar to ibuprofen & lowers the risk of heart problems.
  • Nuts – inflammation can be lowered with the use of nuts as it contains antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids & magnesium.

Choosing anti-inflammatory diet does not mean to eat less or have a restricted diet, but it is about choosing a diet which is more unprocessed, nutrient-rich & that which includes a lot of vegetables &having the right amount of the right food for not just better heart health but overall health as well.


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