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Best exercises to resort to, for losing weight in 2020.

Best exercises to resort to, for losing weight in 2020.

Whether it was the current year or the years that have gone by, we have been quite consistent in making resolutions, especially regarding our health & becoming fitter. But, most of us have also been consistent in not fulfilling those resolutions & have found one excuse or the other to skip being healthier & fitter & eat that favourite pizza with extra cheese.

Best exercises to resort to, for losing weight in 2020.
Best exercises to resort to, for losing weight in 2020.

Studies have shown that people resorting to shorter bouts of exercises tend to lose more calories & weight that those who choose to workout for straight 30 minutes or longer.

Interval training reaps more benefits of both strength & cardio that leads to burning of calories in a short period of time.

Below are the best exercises that people can resort to this new decade which will give them the best results possible.

  • Muscle training – more muscle training means more metabolism in the body & a higher metabolism in the body means a higher rate of burning calories & fat. Strength training gives more muscle mass & burns fat with higher metabolism.
  • High-intensity interval training – these short-duration workouts can go a long way in burning extra kilos & calories. Functional movements with high intensity in interval training can push the body to limits with all the energy& is more effective in burning fat.
  • Battle ropes – this is great for full-body strength training & a cardio workout. It burns calories & also helps building muscles.
  • Kickboxing – it builds muscle strength, uses the entire body leading to a full-body workout. Also, it helps in relieving stress.
  • Elliptical – when you use the elliptical at higher speeds it will increase the heart rate as the lungs start working & the blood starts pumping in the body. This makes the body breathless & burns more calories.
  • Cycling – to build endurance & to help in strength training, cycling either on an actual bike or a stationary one is extremely beneficial. It helps in shaping your thighs & glutes.
  • Rowing – rowing helps in working out on your glutes, hamstrings, arms, back, core, quads & gives a full-body workout. It pulls & opens up the hips & shoulders & also works on the heart & lungs.
  • Running – more than any treadmills, running is the most beneficial form of exercise in burning calories & sprinting is even better. Running for short distances but with a top speed & intensity is something that can help you lose weight.
  • Use of stairs – choosing to climb upstairs rather than taking a lift is always a better option as more muscles come into work & it works on glutes, quads, and calves& gives a full-body workout.
  • Ropes – it burns shoulders & core, it helps in balance & coordination of the body & it also works on arms & wrists. Jumping ropes help in pumping the lungs & heart.
  • Swimming – an element of resistance is added by water which makes the use of muscles efficiently & use of oxygen wisely. Swimming combines both strength & cardio training which works on legs, core & arms & acts as total-body training by building endurance levels & strength.


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