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Ayurveda helps in treating people with Migraine.

Ayurveda helps in treating people with Migraine

A person with Migraine is a person that undergoes a lot of headaches most of the times. Though they are different from other headaches but are way more severe. There are many medications that doctors usually prescribe for a person having migraine but did you know even Ayurveda can be beneficial in dealing with this critical condition.

Ayurveda helps in treating people with Migraine
Ayurveda helps in treating people with Migraine

Migraine is a neurological condition that is characterized by severe & debilitating headaches. Migraines are usually hereditary & often run in families. There are multiple symptoms that can cause Migraine like nausea, sensitivity to sound, light & touch, vomiting, numbness, giddiness, etc. The pain can also pass through from the head to the neck & shoulders as well.

According to research, about 1 billion people globally are affected by this illness between the age group of 18 to 24 years. The pain is so severe sometimes that it can last for 4 hours to 3 or 4 days. And, to treat, this illness people generally resort to painkillers or other strong medications. These attacks occur mostly once or twice in a month.

But how does Ayurveda helps in treating Migraine?

According to the Ayurveda, these severe headaches are caused due to Vatta- Pitta imbalance & too much of toxins in the body (Ama) & suggests various remedies that can help curb this illness as much as possible.

  • Eating 4-5 almonds every morning after soaking it overnight is a good way to reduce the pain.
  • Having boiled ginger in water& having this drink is also beneficial.
  • Drinking warm milk every day with a bit of cardamom, turmeric & saffron also helps.
  • Applying nutmeg paste or sandalwood on the forehead can cool the headache & makes you relaxed & calm down.
  • Also, a beneficial drink that is prepared using roasted cumin, fennel & coriander seeds that are grinded & added to boiling water can make vast differences with the pain.
  • An oil treatment called Oil pulling or Kavala Graha helps in treating migraine. In this treatment, you can squish a tsp. of coconut oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for 15-20 minutes & then spit it out. This way, all the toxins & bacteria gets removed. You can later even brush your teeth.
  • Shirodhara, Sneha Nasya, Shirovasti & Shirolepa are other Ayurvedic treatments that are quite beneficial.

These simple Ayurvedic remedies can go a long way for you if you undergo intense headaches every time& prove to be more beneficial than any other medications or painkillers.

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