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Four facts about snoring that you need to know

Four facts about snoring that you need to know

It is commonly seen that millions of people snore during the sleep.

Snoring can cause a nuisance for the people around you and it is sometimes related to more serious kinds of health problems.

So, today in this blog, we would be discussing four facts about snoring.

Let us have a look.

Four facts about snoring that you need to know
Four facts about snoring that you need to know
  • It is caused due to constricted airway

While we are sleeping, then the throat muscles tends to relax which virtually causes the airway to narrow down.

So, as we breathe in and out, then the throat muscles tissues starts to vibrate which results in harsh snoring sound.

Lastly, the more constricted the airway is, the louder would be the snoring.


  • It is caused by aging, alcohol and allergies

Throat muscles tend to relax naturally as you get old and therefore snoring gets a lot more common later in life.

Anatomical issues such as deviated septum and enlarged tonsils can also result in snoring.

Lastly, alcohol works as a powerful muscle relaxant and drinking it before you go to bed can result in exacerbate snoring.

  • It is more common in man

As per the recent report, it has been known that half of the people snore at some point in their life.

Also, snoring tends to be more common in men rather than women.

About 40% men are habitual snorers as compared to 24% women.

Furthermore, if one of your parents snore, then there is a high chance that you are going to snore as there is genetic component involved in it.

  • Certain lifestyle changes can minimize or prevent snoring

If certain things are adjusted in the lifestyle, then it can definitely help to minimize or prevent snoring.

You can try to sleep on your side and avoid drinking a glass of wine before taking a nap.

In addition, you should also focus on maintaining a weight that is healthy as carrying extra pounds can thicken the throat tissues and further cause the airway to narrow.

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